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Hanging herbs - love this idea.

The materials for a the raised bed:
  1. One 6-foot-long 4-by-4
  2. Six 8-foot-long 2-by-6s
  3. One 10-foot-long 1-inch PVC pipe
  4. Two 10-foot-long ½-inch PVC pipes
  5. 32 3½-inch #14 wood screws and 16 ½-inch #8 wood screws
  6. One 4- by 10-foot roll of ¼-inch-mesh hardware cloth
  7. Eight 1-inch galvanized tube straps
  8. 32 cubic feet (1 1/5 cu. yd.) soil mix (look for combination of topsoil,
  9. compost, and potting soil).
With a table or power saw, cut the 4-by-4 into four 16-inch-tall corner posts. Cut two of the 2-by-6s in half. Cut the 1-inch PVC pipe into four 12-inch-long pieces and the ½-inch PVC pipes into 6-foot-long pieces. Assemble pieces on a hard, flat surface.

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